Sunday, January 18, 2009

Getting ready for Spring.

I can't wait to see what my Mimi makes me for Spring. She came for a visit this weekend (and Papa too) and had many fabrics and patterns to choose from. I just need to get a little bigger so that I can wear my new bubble. I don't think it will be much longer . I am so excited for warmer weather to get here!
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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Spoon feeding

Mary Terrell is now feeding Mary Claire with a spoon for the first time. Eating is hard work these days. She gets so tired sometimes. Tomorrow we are going back to Childrens for a checkup with our GI doctor. I'm sure he will be pleased with her progress. She currently weighs over 12 pounds and is in the 17th %tile of her weight. 24in long and her eyes are still blue-ish. We are not sure if they will change. Sometimes they look sort of green or hazel. Cute either way. This morning she kicked her feet in the tub a little and I realized that bathtime might start getting messy with her splashing.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Papa with all his Grandkids

Mimi and Papa had the best Christmas ever! Here's a shot of Dad with all his grandchildren. Kathryn holding Mary Claire. Elizabeth with Papa. And Carson and Grant right there with them all.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Mary Claire

Mary Claire is growing so fast. She found her voice and talks constantly. Her favorite thing to do is feel my chin. We like to say that she learned it from her "Pat the Bunny" book.

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